Sengoku was informed about the escape of several Level 6 criminals, only to be ordered by the World Government to suppress the greater details, since they did not want ordinary citizens to know that these potentially dangerous criminals were free to roam the land once again. They once allied themselves with seven powerful pirates in exchange for pardoning their past felonies, but allowed them to continue committing crimes in order to maintain power and status until the Government turned against them after the abolishment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system. For the most part, the important role they have in maintaining world stability far outweighs the corruption they often display. Any countries attempting to protect or harbor criminals are at risk from the World Government, and some have been known to be destroyed completely. The World Government's power to release information on anyone as they please can often lead to the truth being suppressed, altered or ignored completely. While some people are beginning to question the motives of the World Government, the general public still trusts them and would tend to believe information from them. Nico Robin, in particular, spent her entire life running from the World Government, and everyone who she joined soon betrayed her for the bounty on her head, or found themselves against the Marines and other government forces. Individuals who are deemed enemies of the World Government are viciously hunted down and dealt with, and all those who walk along the same path as them are doomed to share the World Government's wrath. They hide the truth or ignore the rights of the people, with many individuals using justice to further their own aims.

However, the reality is that unknown to most citizens (and many world leaders), the World Government's actions and policies tend to be secretly based on corruption or questionable motives.
The World Government, as the largest political power, holds full rights to halt or encourage any political action without question or opposition. Using the Marines, they pursue criminals endangering the lives of those who are innocent, protecting the people of each country in the world. The World Government maintains an international order that claims to benefit all, making the world safe for the sake of everyone. They depend on the Marines and (formerly) the Seven Warlords of the Sea to keep the Four Emperors and other antagonistic forces from defying them and causing chaos. The World Government is seemingly ruled by Im, whose orders are carried out by the Five Elders, the highest public authority in the world, rendering the entire political institution a pure authoritarian oligarchy. They approve of Absolute Justice and are based in the holy land of Mary Geoise. Not everyone approves of their political ideals, as there are people like Dragon who are against it. Their political ideals are unknown and everything they do is considered to be right. Member countries retain autonomy and run their own internal affairs (though the World Government does sometimes intervene), but cooperate with the World Government for international relations. The World Government is affiliated with roughly 170 countries from around the world. Part of Spandam's speech on what the World Government is. In the four seas and the Grand Line.!!! This is the World!!! Look at that symbol, pirates!!! That mark represents the unity of over 170 nations. 6.5 Relations with Elbaf and Child Trafficking.6.2 Research for Transforming Humans into Giants.